The publication outlines frameworks for four countries with developing economies and how they price their water supply services whilst still catering for the poor.
FONSECA, C. BATCHELOR, C. MORIARTY, P. NAAFS, A. SNEHALATHA, M. REDDY, R. NYARKO, K. KLUTSE, A. PEZON, C. POTTER, A. VERHOEVEN, J. (2010): A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Costing Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services in Low-Income Settings. Lessons from Collecting Actual Life Cycle Costs for Rural and Peri-Urban Areas of Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Andhra Pradesh. WASH Cost Research Report, V 1.0. The Hague: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre URL [Accessed: 03.08.2012]