This brief examines two promising project activities in the micro-finance sector under the Creating Sanitation Market Initiative (CSMI), a multi-stakeholder initiative led by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) of the World Bank in Peru: 1) in Cusco, activities with the Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito del Cusco (CMAC Cusco) a Municipal Savings and Loan Fund owned by the municipal government of Cusco; and 2) in Cajamarca, activities to establish Village Banks that administer loans for household sanitation improvements. The brief was prepared with support from the USAID-funded Hygiene Improvement Project, a CSMI partner.
USAID HIP ; WSP (2010): Peru Case Studies in Sanitation Microfinance. (= Research Brief ). Washington DC: Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) URL [Accessed: 21.06.2019]