Stabilization ponds are a very promising sustainable centralized wastewater treatment option for West Africa due to the favourable climate. Pilot studies could demonstrate their performance in the local context; however none of the full-scale applications works. Besides the poor economic situation and little political support, it is also the lack of training and research that contributes to this situation. This work presents the establishment of an international research collaboration network and main technical recommendations based on an exhaustive assessment on the state-of-the-art of stabilization ponds in the West-African context.
KONE, D. (2002): Epuration des eaux usées par Lagunage a Microphytes et a Macrophytes en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre- Etat des lieux, performances épuratoires et critères de dimensionnement. (= Doctoral Thesis ). Lausanne: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL).Language: French