Research conducted on removal of plankton and associated particulates by filter constructed from nylon net and sari materials. The result obtained indicates that 99% of Vibrio Cholerae, i.e., those cells attached to plankton was removed from the water sample during simple filtration, forepidemics strains from various geographical sources including Bangladesh, Brazil, India, and Mexico.
HUQ, A. ; XU, B. ; CHOWDHURY, M.A.R. ; ISLAM, M.S. ; MONTILLA, R. ; COLWELL, R.R. (1996): A Simple Filtration Method to Remove Plankton-Associated Vibrio Cholerae in Raw Water Supplies in Developing Countries. In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology: Volume 62 , 2508-2512. URL [Accessed: 05.08.2010]