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Integrity Management Toolbox for Water Service Providers - Description of WSP Integrity Instruments

This document is part of a set of three resource documents included in the Integrity Management toolbox for Water service Providers (WsPs):

  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • Description of WsP Integrity risks
  • Description of WsP Integrity Instruments (this document)

This document (description of WsP Integrity Instruments) provides elaborate descriptions of different types of integrity instruments that can help mitigating integrity risks within water utilities. As many such instruments do not only serve the purpose of enhancing integrity, this link is explicitly specified for each instrument. Further examples and ways how the different instruments could be implemented are provided together with a list of further reading.

Hermann-Friede, J. Kropac, M. Achermann, S. Heeb, J. Feuerstein, L. (2014): Integrity Management Toolbox for Water Service Providers - Description of WSP Integrity Instruments. Berlin, Germany: cewas, WIN, GIZ PDF