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Decabrominated diphenyl ethers (BDE-209) in Chinese and global air: Levels, gas/particle partitioning, and long-range transport: Is long range transport of BDE-209 really governed by the movement of particles?

LI, Y.F. ; QIAO, L.N. ; REN, N.Q. ; SVERKO, E. ; MACKAY, D. ; MACDONALD, R. (2017): Decabrominated diphenyl ethers (BDE-209) in Chinese and global air: Levels, gas/particle partitioning, and long-range transport: Is long range transport of BDE-209 really governed by the movement of particles? . In: Environ. Sci. Technol.: Volume 51 , 1035-1042. URL [Accessed: 19.12.2018]