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Washeteria closures, infectious disease and community health in rural Alaska

This paper is a review of clinical data in Kivalina, Alaska. The authors obtained washeteria closure dates from 2003 to July 2009 and defined 7 day closure as prolonged. They received de-identified data on all Kivalina clinic visits from 2003 to 2009 and selected visits with ICD-9 diagnosis codes for respiratory, skin, or gastrointestinal infection; subsequent same patient/same illness-category visits within 14 days were excluded. The authors compared annual visit rates, for all ages combined, before (20032004) and after (20052009) the ‘‘2004’’ storm.

THOMAS, T.K. et al. (2013): Washeteria closures, infectious disease and community health in rural Alaska. A review of clinical data in Kivalina, Alaska. In: International Journal of Circumpolar Health: Volume 72 URL [Accessed: 02.08.2018] PDF