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Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Arctic Environments: Indicator Contaminants for Assessing Local and Remote Anthropogenic Sources in a Pristine Ecosystem in Change

This first review on the occurrence and environmental profile of PPCPs in the Arctic identified the presence of 110 related substances in the Arctic environment based on the reports from scientific publications, national and regional assessments and surveys, as well as academic research studies (i.e., PhD theses).

PPCP residues were reported in virtually all environmental compartments from coastal seawater to high trophic level biota. For Arctic environments, domestic and municipal wastes as well as sewage are identified as primary release sources. However, the absence of modern waste water treatment plants (WWTPs), even in larger settlements in the Arctic, is resulting in relatively high release rates for selected PPCPs into the receiving Arctic (mainly) aquatic environment.

KALLENBORN, R. et al. (2017): Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Arctic Environments: Indicator Contaminants for Assessing Local and Remote Anthropogenic Sources in a Pristine Ecosystem in Change. In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research: URL [Accessed: 07.06.2018]