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29 June 2019

(How) Is Wastewater Reused?

Author/Compiled by
Katharina Conradin (seecon international gmbh)
Michael Kropac (seecon international gmbh)
Dorothee Spuhler (seecon international gmbh)


Factsheet Block Title
The Case of  Unsustainaville
Factsheet Block Body

Recharge & Reuse in Unsustainaville

Unsustainaville - Recharge and Reuse of Wastewater. Source: SEECON (2010)
Unsustainaville - Recharge and Reuse of Wastewater. Source: SEECON (2010)


To put it simply - Unsustainaville does not practice any reuse of treated wastewater. Treated wastewater is also not used to recharge groundwater sources. It is simply discharged into the river.


Problems with Recharge & Reuse in Unsustainaville

Unsustainaville - Problems with Recharge and Reuse. Source: SEECON (2010)
Unsustainaville - Problems with Recharge and Reuse. Source: SEECON (2010)


The fact that no reuse is practiced, leads to the following problems

  • Wastewater is just discharged untreated. This leads to the pollution and eutrophication of water sources.
  • Furthermore, the open discharge of wastewater leads to an increased infiltration of wastewater into groundwater resources, polluting the shallow wells of the population in the low-income areas.


Where do I find further information to tackle problems with recharge and reuse?


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Go back to previous step -----> How is Wastewater Treated?

Go to next step -----> What Sources of Fertilisers are Used?

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