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SSWM Specific Topic Entry Pages

Specific Topic Entry Pages (STEPs) are pages within the SSWM Toolbox providing an entry point and tailored information on a particular topic or specific group of users. According to the specific topic, STEPs give an easily accessible overview on the most relevant concepts and show how these concepts are linked to the different areas within sustainable sanitation and water management (SSWM) and the SSWM Toolbox. Both, the concepts presented within the STEP as well as the linked information from the SSWM Toolbox are complemented with further readings, awareness raising and training material, case study documentation, ready-made PowerPoint presentations and a glossary. The design, based on a pedagogic approach, guides the user in a logical sequence through the topic. STEPs are not only a powerful knowledge management and sharing tool for the specific topics, but also allow for positioning the topic within SSWM and the SSWM Toolbox and present it to a globally growing user community.

Specific Topic Entry Pages
Specific Topic Entry Page
Glossary Term Name
Legacy NID
Legacy VID